Physical Education

PE at St James

At St James we believe an inclusive high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. 

Our PE curriculum provides a wide range of opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which promotes a healthy and active lifestyle. Embedded within this are the sporting values: Determination, Passion, Respect, Honesty, Self-Belief and Team work to develop well rounded sports people. 

“I wasn’t the fastest, the strongest, the fittest. But I thought I could make myself the most committed.” – Kevin Sinfield 

“Look at what we can do when we work together.” - Marcus Rashford 

Values Across the Curriculum

Our Sporting Ethos at St James is that children understand the importance of sport, the rules and gamesmanship. We believe that the experience of participating in PE and competing in competitions (win, lose or draw) is hugely beneficial in helping children develop mentally and physically. 

Alongside PE lessons, once a half term children in all year groups participate in a variety of Intra – House Competitions where they learn and support their team mates in a competitive event. We help the children to understand fairness, respect and reflect on their experience. 

The school vision of “Ready for the Future” is a vital part of our PE curriculum and sports ethos. The activities and events which we expose the children to helps them understand the idea of “rule of law” with following rules, mutual respect and tolerance. During team activities; the values of togetherness and trust are central to what we aim to achieve. Physical education is the ideal driver to embed the school values for our children to make sense of them.

Keeping St James Active

At St James we understand the importance of physical education and the impact it has on day to day life at home and in school.

Each class PE for a full afternoon, once a week. We have created a curriculum (supported by PE Hub and iMoves) to ensure that in our two year rolling programme, children have the opportunity to develop previously learnt skills. Children in Year 4 also attend swimming lessons once a week.

Each year, we actively use Pupil Voice and Stakeholder Evaluations to continue to improve our Lunchtime Provision, PE and Extra – Curricular Curriculums to provide children with a wide range of opportunities to be active. 

We are part of the Kettlethorpe Pyramid and the All Saints Partnership where competitions are organised which allow children the opportunity to not only represent St James, but also Wakefield and then Yorkshire. Alongside this we participate in a number of competitive and non - competitive competitions within the School Games Scheme to which gives children an opportunity to experience new sports, develop teamwork and also improve their confidence. 

To ensure that all children have experience to participate in these festivals, we have adapted our PE Curriculum and Extra – Curricular Curriculum to ensure that all children have an equal chance at representing school and also have an understanding of the sports which we compete in.

Our lunchtime provision also supports children’s physical development with staff and lunchtime play leaders leading sporting activities in zones and also offering extra sessions in preparation for competitions. We have a number of Lunchtime Play Leaders who support our Pupil Leadership Team outside managing and leading a range of sporting activities for the children. Some of these include: tennis, carpet bowl, table tennis, football, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball and rounders. The Lunchtime Play Leaders and Pupil Leadership Team also support more fine motor skill activities such as lego, building and small world where they assist where required and also help with communication.

Our PE Curriculum

PE long term plan Spet 23.png

PE days

You will find a document showing the PE days for each class. Please download this so you know when your child will have PE, and whether this will be indoor or outdoor PE. 

Files to Download

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Who We Are

Crigglestone St JamesCE Primary Academy

St James Way,